Latin Village


One of its main aims is to publicise the abuses occurring at UK’s only Latin Village & the UK’s 2nd largest concentration of Latin Businesses: El Pueblito Paisa (Latin Village & departement francais) in Seven Sisters Indoor Market, Tottenham.

To prevent regeneration initiatives damaging the vibrancy of this unique treasure, and reducing its footfall. In order to make way for zero affordable housing on public sector TfL land. To prevent the demolition process before the Compulsory Purchase Order is even decided.

We have our own community plan that has secured funding. Yet Haringey Council still want to go ahead with their demolition plans. The building is a listed community asset and is locally listed for its architectural merit.

Please sign online petition to support our diverse community.


In May 2014 the Community Plan received planning permission and the ground floor was listed as an asset of community value.

Regeneration of WardsCorner, 231-243 High Road, Tottenham, N15 5BT

Design and Access
Prepared for West Green
Road and Seven Sisters
Development Trust and
Wards Corner Community
Coalition (WCC) by Abigail
Stevenson, Wolfram Borger,
Daniella Ellis, Anil Korotane
and members of WCC

Outcomes of The Community Plan

  1. The proposed development by virtue of its bulk massing and
    design neither preserves nor enhances the historic character and
    appearance of the Tottenham High Road Corridor / Seven Sisters
    / Page Green Conservation Area. Consequently the proposal is
    PAGE 39 of 137
    contrary to the aims and objectives of National Planning Policy
    Statement (PPS) 1: Creating Sustainable Communities (2005);
    PPS 5, Policies UD3 ‘General Principles’ & UD4 ‘Quality Design’
    and CSV1 ‘Development in Conservation Areas’ of the Haringey
    ‐ 2. The proposed development would involve the loss of
    designated heritage assets as defined in Annex 2 of PPS 5 and
    would constitute “substantial harm”. The applicant has failed to
    demonstrate that the substantial harm is necessary in order to
    deliver substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm.
  1. “Development must provide an attractive and high quality
    landmark and gateway to the Seven Sisters/Tottenham
    High Road area.”
    The site’s visual prominence provides a great opportunity for an
    imaginative development. On Wards Corner a development of 5-6
    storeys in height may be appropriate, stepping down to three storeys
    on Suffield Road. On Apex Corner there is scope for a higher,
    landmark development, taking the opportunity presented by a corner
    The treatment of the roof line will be particularly important. There
    should, however, be a symmetry and consistency of architectural
    treatment across Seven Sisters Road, which together should act as a
    gateway into the Bridge community area. A public feature of equal, or
    preferably greater, landmark merit as the clock tower should be
    included and the public lavatories should be replaced.
    At the Seven Sisters Underground there is potential for an ‘airights ’
    development (that is over the station) which also brings the station
    entrance further forward towards the street. Development here could
    be around 4 storeys in height.
    PAGE 97 of 137
    The community plan retains the existing small independent businesses
    on the site, as well as existing residential accommodation. Through the
    delivery vehicle of the development trust the existing buildings and
    environment will be improved. This will be delivered in 3 areas;
    Restoring the existing market providing a better amenity for businesses
    to operate out of, encouraging better use of the space, and providing
    additional space for businesses to grow and for more businesses to
    move into the space. There will also be a hub space on the second floor
    (with cheaper rents) allowing small start up businesses to rent a desk
    (similar model to the Westminster Hub).
    Creating support and guidance for existing businesses in the town centre
    area to improve their premises, in line with the restoration conservation
    approach outlined in the wider vision, details of delivery of business
    support can be found in Chapter 5.
    Within the wider vision we see that the development trust will provide a
    framework for improvements and densification to the existing housing
    stock, as well as seeking out development partners to carry out further
    regeneration in the area outlined in the development brief.
    The areas identified for housing in the wider vision have been carefully
    selected so as not to remove existing homes or businesses, these are
    Apex corner and at the seven sisters rail station and the car park beyond
    (refer to drawing M5), these proposals will need to go through further
    consultation with local residents, and the development trust is happy to
    work with the council and local people and stakeholders to ensure the
    most appropriate solution is found.
  2. “New development should regenerate and improve the living
    and working environment and make best use of the
    opportunities presented by the site.”
    The area is run-down and the buildings on the Wards Corner site in
    particular, are in need of physical renewal. However, the former
    Wards department store building itself is considered to have
    considerable architectural merit and any development scheme should
    reflect, and retain, the architectural features of the store where
    possible. Any new development on the site should take the
    opportunity to reduce the opportunities for crime, by embracing the
    concepts set out in the police’s “Secured By Design”.
    PAGE 98 of 137
    The Community plan restores the existing historic building on the site,
    which is already a landmark in the area. This in turn reinforces a sense
    of place and helps to tell the story of the local area, enabling the people
    living here to read the story of how the area became what we know
    The existing building once restored will greatly enhance the conservation
    area, its locally listed status is testament to that.
    By having restoration as the first move in the regeneration of the area it
    sets a precedent for new additions to be sensitive to the conservation
    area designation.
  3. “Development must enhance the Page Green Conservation
    The buildings at Wards Corner make only a neutral contribution to the
    character and appearance of the conservation area, (although the
    Wards store itself has considerable merit). National policy PPG15
    “Planning & the Historic Environment”) sees such sites as a spur to
    high quality, imaginative development. Page Green itself has the
    potential to be an attractive open space which has the opportunity for
    environmental enhancement and much improved links to the Wards
    Corner area.
    PAGE 99 of 137
    The opportunity for modern design will be taken by using cutting-edge
    sustainability techniques as the vanguard for the restoration of the public
    realm and the treatment of the street, the new entrances to the
    underground station will complement the restored historic building.
    All work to restore the existing buildings will improve the building fabric
    to improve the thermal comfort of the buildings (to passive house
    standard or as close as practical), reducing energy consumption and
    preventing future fuel poverty as fuel costs continue to rise.
    It is hoped that the areas of development on Apex Corner and at the
    Seven Sisters rail station and the car park beyond (refer to drawing M5),
    will be of modern design, adding high quality juxtaposition to the
    surrounding historic buildings, albeit with careful respect paid to
    appropriate scale and massing. The community plan returns a strong
    architectural presence through restoration, with a bold and creative
    interior and modern, sustainable technology.
    The restoration of the existing building is the most sustainable solution
    as the majority of the building materials are on site and only a relatively
    small amount of material needs to be brought to site as compared with a
    full demolition, where all of the material needs to be removed and
    replaced with new materials. The embodied energy in this process is
    reduced by a restoration led approach to development.
  4. “Buildings should be of a distinctive and imaginative modern
    design with simple and robust detailing to provide a low
    maintenance and sustainable solution.”
    On this side of the High Road there is a lack of strong context at this
    point. This provides the opportunity for bold and creative design.
    PAGE 100 of 137
    Historic restoration is the cornerstone of the treatment to the frontages,
    improving the appearance of the area and empowering the local
    community with an improved identity expressed through built form.
    The existing variety and interest of the businesses will be managed to
    improve the experience of the public and customers, promoting growth
    within the existing local economy.
    The improvement to the public realm is an essential element to the
    success of this initiative and the development trust will work diligently
    with the council and TFL to ensure this is carried out.
    The extended opening hours will create a night-time economy creating a
    busier street scene and improving the safety of the area.
  5. “Development should include active frontages, and visual
    variety and interest, onto the West Green Road, High Road and
    Seven Sisters Road frontages.”
    Maintaining activity of the street will be particularly important, in
    particular more uses that are open in the evening looking out onto the
    PAGE 101 of 137
    By restoring the wards store and market building we are preserving a
    building of unique character; similar styled buildings further along the
    High Road create a visual link, strengthening the historic distinctiveness
    of Tottenham.
    Local businesses will be preserved and supported allowing the diversity
    of small independent shops in the area to prosper. Additional space will
    be made available for local businesses to set up bringing additional
    diversity to the retail experience at Seven Sisters. The hub space will be
    available for cultural and community activities, allowing greater
    appreciation of the rich diversity in the area
    The Development Trust will actively promote the diversity of the area to
    raise its profile as a destination for shoppers and visitors.
    By restoring the market building we are preserving a building of unique
    character that also has the same style further along the High Road
    creating a visual link strengthening the historic distinctiveness of
    Local businesses will be preserved and supported allowing the diversity
    of small independent shops in the area to prosper.
    Additional space will be made available for local businesses to set up
    bringing additional diversity to the retail experience at Seven Sisters.
    The hub space will be available for cultural and community activities,
    allowing a greater transparency of the rich diversity we have in the area
    The Development trust will actively promote the diversity of the area to
    raise its profile as a destination for shoppers and visitors
  6. “Development should take its cue from the richness and
    diversity of the communities and small shops in the West Green
    Road area.”
    This diversity is one of the great strengths of the area. The
    development should add to rather than detract from this richness.
    PAGE 102 of 137
    PUBLIC ART – at bridges – in the market a gallery space will be created,
    open to the public and encouraging people up onto the first floor
    Public art will be installed at the bridges leading to the site, this will
    consist of light sculptures and treatments, helping to create excitement
    as pedestrians and motorists arrive, this will also have the added benefit
    of illuminating areas that are currently very poorly lit.
    In the market a gallery space will be created on the first floor,
    encouraging movement within the market.
    STREET – to be coordinated with TFL’s plans so as not to duplicate
    work, Development Trust to ensure wide community participation in
    CLEAR BUILDING LINE – the restoration of the existing building
    protects the existing building line.
  7. “Development should include significant and co-ordinated
    improvement to the public realm, including public art and street
    trees. A wide pavement and clear building line along the High
    Road should be maintained.”
    The current wide pavement and street tree cover, with opportunities
    for forecourt seating, is a strong positive feature of the area. The
    existing Wards Corner building line should be retained, so far as is
    possible, in order to maintain this sense of space. Mature trees
    should be protected where possible, and additional hard and soft
    landscaping introduced. The air duct for the underground is subject to
    graffiti and should be replaced or improved, if possible.
    PAGE 103 of 137
    Our current commitment in the UK stipulates that we must reduce our
    emissions by 80% of 1990 levels by 2050, we also expect that at least
    80% of our existing building stock will still be with us at that time.
    Haringey Council’s 40/20 pledge to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020 is
    an additional target.
    We therefore have a great opportunity with the sensitive restoration of
    this building to showcase how we can make old buildings perform well,
    without losing character. With restoration of the building we also reduce
    all of the onsite carbon emissions associated with demolition and new
    Restoration and retrofitting of the market, a public building where people
    can see for themselves the installation and implementation of green
    technologies and building management strategies, provide very tangible
    access to best practice.
    Provide proper recycling facilities and through effective town centre
    management manage the removal of waste.
    Restoration and retrofitting of market a public building where people can
    see for themselves the installation and implementation of green
    technologies and building management strategies, providing a very
    tangible access to best practice as well as becoming a pioneering tool
    for building improvement in the area.
  8. “Development should incorporate the principles of
    sustainable design including use of waste and recycling.”
    PAGE 104 of 137
    Although it would be a matter for London Underground, improvements
    could involve excavating a new concourse, with an entrance onto the
    street frontage, or alternatively a lightweight street level structure on top
    of the existing concourse and station entrances.
    The West Green Road and Seven Sisters Development Trust is
    committed to pursuing the development of the area which would include
    the improvements to Seven Sisters Overground Station.
    Furthermore, there is the agenda to extend the opening hours of the
    market and other potential businesses on the site as it will contribute to
    further pedestrian use around the site whilst reducing the impact of any
    possible negative perception of public safety.
  9. “Development must be designed, in conjunction with the
    Police and the British Transport Police, to reduce opportunities
    for crime, especially around the Station entrances.”
    The need to improve the negative perception of public safety, and
    reduce the opportunities for crime, both in and around buildings, and
    improve access and security around the underground entrances, are
    key considerations in the proposed regeneration of the site. It is
    considered that the potential to develop a single, and safe, at grade
    pedestrian entrance and concourse, to replace the existing
    arrangements, should be investigated.
    PAGE 105 of 137
    The Community Plan, as it focuses primarily on the Old Wards Store
    building does not address the improvement of the interchange between
    the overground and underground directly as it is not within the boundary
    of the site. However the addition of glazed double doors to the rear of
    the market does allow for access to be created in the future, which
    could be part of a new thoroughfare of pedestrians through the market
    as a route from the overground to the underground station, this increase
    in footfall would also bolster sales and the visibility of the market.
  10. It should improve access to the Seven Sisters Underground
    and Overground Stations, and achieve improved interchange
    between them. To achieve this, comprehensive development is
    Seven Sisters underground station is programmed to be refurbished,
    under the public private partnership, in due course, with works likely
    to include CCTV, help points, escalator modernisation, access
    improvements, etc. The timetable is not known at this stage. The
    Brief must be seen in the context of the plans of London
    Underground and the franchisees (Metronet’s). However,
    development of the site should be seen enabling development, with
    a view to improving underground access at ground level. Financial
    contributions to go towards these improvements will be secured by a
    planning obligation. Piecemeal development will be resisted.
    Although it would be a matter for London Underground,
    improvements could involve excavating a new concourse, with an
    entrance onto the street frontage, or alternatively a lightweight street
    level structure on top of the existing concourse and station
    PAGE 106 of 137
    Transport for London (TfL) are responsible for both Tottenham High
    Road and Seven Sisters Road. As these have higher speeds and more
    accidents, as well as creating an unfriendly pedestrian environment. The
    gyratory system is being phased out; this is due for completion by 2014.
  11. “The development should consider improvements to
    pedestrian access and safety in the area. Returning the
    gyratory to a two-way flow may facilitate this.”
    Transport for London (TfL) are responsible for both Tottenham High
    Road and Seven Sisters Road. It is their policy to phase out gyratory
    systems, as these have higher speeds and more accidents, as well
    as creating an unfriendly pedestrian environment. Although outside
    the remit of the Brief, studies have been undertaken by TfL, in order
    to identify potential modifications to the gyratory system, as part of
    the Tottenham International Development Framework. The study will
    determine the feasibility of this proposal.
    PAGE 107 of 137
    The existing improvement plans proposed by TFL as part of work to
    remove the Gyratory System will be integrated into and supported by
    work undertaken as part of the implementation of the Community Plan.
    Although it would be a matter for London Underground, improvements
    could involve excavating a new concourse, with an entrance onto the
    street frontage, or alternatively a lightweight street level structure on top
    of the existing concourse and station entrances.
    The West Green Road and Seven Sisters Development Trust is
    committed to pursuing the development of the area which would include
    the improvements to Seven Sisters Overground Station.
    The interchange between the underground and overground stations is
    considered a key challenge and opportunity of the site.
  12. “Development should include improved bus waiting and
    interchange facilities”
    This is an important interchange between tube and bus, and
    opportunities should be investigated as to how this interchange
    could be improved, for the benefit of all passengers.
    PAGE 108 of 137
    The Community Plan proposes to retain the existing parking to the rear
    of the market. This is mainly used for traders and customers and
    therefore would not increase the parking for residential use. Access to
    the car park at the rear of the market will continue to be from Suffield
  13. “Some public car parking for the shopping centre should be
    retained. Private car parking should be minimised.”
    At Westerfield Road the car park is already being reduced in size, by
    about half, due to London Underground development. As West
    Green needs to retain sufficient shoppers car parking, it is not
    envisaged that it will come forward for development in the short term.
    Any retail car parking should be shared parking for the centre as a
    The Councils’ maximum parking standards in the replacement
    Unitary Development Plan apply and car parking should be kept to a
    minimum given the site ’s excellent public transport accessibility. The
    Council would consider “car-free” housing, controlled by legal
    agreement, in this location. Parking for the residential units behind
    Apex House will not be affected. Minimum disabled persons and
    cycle parking standards should be met. All servicing for the Wards
    Corner site should be from Suffield Road and not the High Road.
    PAGE 109 of 137
    The plans by TFL go a long way to improving pedestrian and cycle
    We propose widening of the pavement on Seven Sisters Road on the
    north side where the shops are, reducing the pavement on the south
    side where much less activity occurs and improving, widening and
    landscaping of the east side of the High Road between the junction of
    Seven Sisters Road and down to South Tottenham Rail Station.
    This would vastly improve the pedestrian journey to and from the rail
    station as well as creating a pleasant view up the High Street from the
    bridge to the south.
    Cycle paths will be incorporated into the development where agreed with
    local stakeholders and TFL. Secure cycle parking should be
  14. “Development should give priority to pedestrians and
    The proposals must emphasise sustainable modes of transport,
    including facilities for cyclists and retaining existing streets as
    through routes.
    PAGE 110 of 137
    The Community Plan proposes to have level thresholds at every
    entrance point to the market, and the addition of new lifts will ensure that
    access is equal for all throughout. The external terraces will also provide
    level thresholds so that the new first floor amenity can be enjoyed by all.
    The improved daylighting and new lighting layout will improve the light
    levels in the space improving legibility for the elderly and the visually
  15. “Development should be accessible to all.”
    The development should be accessible to the whole community
    irrespective of age or disability. (see Haringey Council’s SPG4
    “Access for All – Mobility Standards”.)
    PAGE 111 of 137
    The Community Plan with its restored historic building will be a great
    asset in achieving the visibility of the West Green Road and Seven
    Sisters District Centre. The Development trust will work to promote the
    area therefore supporting its vitality and growth.
    The old Wards Store will continue to be predominantly used for retail and
    services, with the addition of a hub working space for start ups, an art
    gallery on the first floor and a stage on the ground floor that will create
    a much needed focal point for local artists and performers.
    The Masterplan outlines where we anticipate residential densification
    can occur, without the need for the costly demolition of a much loved
    heritage asset. The development trust is committed to working with
    responsible social landlords to achieving housing development that is
    within the reach of local people and affordable.
    The development trust suggests the relocation of the one stop shop at
    Apex House to inside the restored market. This would have a multitude
    of benefits including providing Council services with a visible place for
    outreach and support for local people, reasonable rent and the use of
    the community facility to hold events.
  16. “The development is suitable for a range of land uses,
    including retail uses to promote the vitality and viability of the
    West Green Road/Seven Sisters District Centre.”
    Development should be for a vital mix of land uses. As a District
    Centre, development suitable to its scale and function would be
    welcomed, providing it fulfils a qualitative need. Replacement of the
    indoor market, although outside the remit of the Brief, would be
    Housing is suitable as part of the range of uses, especially at above
    ground floor level. Any housing lost on Suffield Road through change
    of use following the proposed conversion to mixed use should be
    replaced as part of the overall scheme. Affordable housing, meeting
    the needs of the borough will be secured, although it is unlikely that
    pure social housing would be sought. Key worker or shared
    ownership would be encouraged, which is supported by the
    Tottenham High Road Strategy. The amount of affordable housing
    should be in accordance with the policies of the Council, but will take
    account of the other planning benefits being enabled by the
    development and of commercial viability.
    The One-Stop-Shop at Apex House should be retained or replaced
    as part of the development, as this provides a vital service to the
    Tottenham area, albeit with a greater street presence than is
    currently the case and part of the structure given over to housing.
    PAGE 112 of 137
    The Community Plan would rather work with local stakeholders for
    mutual benefit than rely upon compulsory purchase orders to achieve
    comprehensive development of the site. This approach is guided by the
    view that the existing market and businesses are an asset from which to
    grow, rather than a problem.
  17. “Development of the Wards Corner Site should take place
    comprehensively secured by compulsory purchase if
    The objectives of the brief, in particular improvement of the
    underground and providing new retail facilities, are highly unlikely to
    be achieved by piecemeal development of the Wards Corner site.
    Although it is likely that the landowners will co-operate to secure this,
    compulsory purchase cannot be ruled out.
    The entire Bridge NDC area was declared a Housing Renewal Area
    in 2003. Housing Renewal status provides the Council with additional
    powers for land clearance and forms part of the renewal strategy to
    regenerate a particular rundown area.
    PAGE 113 of 137
    Appendix 1:Policy Context
    Appendix 2: Consultation document
    PAGE 114 of 137
    PAGE 115 of 137
    Appendix 1:Policy Context
    PAGE 116 of 137
    PAGE 117 of 137
    Policy Context - Introduction
    This document reflects on the compatibility of the Community Plan with
    the current policy climate.
    The following London Borough of Haringey policy documents have been
    considered in the creation of this application.
    Haringey Local Plan
    Haringey Core Strategy 2010 (proposed submission)
    Development Management DPD 2010 (draft)
    Haringey Unitary Development Plan (2009 saved policies)
    Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2010 (draft)
    Tottenham High Rd Conservation Area Appraisal
    Haringey 4020 Carbon Commission Report
    Special Attention has also been paid to the guidance in the following
    regional and national policies:
    London Plan 2011
    Mayors Cultural Strategy 2004
    Planning for Equality SPG 2007
    National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012
    Haringey Local plan
    Local Plan Vision
    1.5.2 Haringey Strategic Partnership developed Haringey’s Sustainable
    Community Strategy 2007 - 2016 which identifies priorities and a ten
    year vision for the borough. The overall vision of the Community
    Strategy is that Haringey will be:
    1.5.3 A place for diverse communities that people are proud to belong to.
    The six outcomes identified in the Community Strategy to achieve its
    vision are set out below.
    Strategic Outcomes:
    People at the Heart of Change by delivering new homes and new jobs,
    with supporting services and transport and utility infrastructure at the
    right place and the right time.
    An Environmentally Sustainable Future by responding to climate change
    and managing our environmental resources more effectively to make
    Haringey one of London’s greenest boroughs.
    Economic Vitality and Prosperity Shared by All by meeting business
    needs and providing local employment opportunities and promoting a
    vibrant economy and independent living.
    Safer for All by reducing both crime and fear of crime, through good
    design and improvements to the public realm and by creating safer,
    cleaner streets.
    PAGE 118 of 137
    Healthier People with a Better Quality of Life by providing better housing,
    meeting health and community needs and encouraging lifetime wellbeing at home, work, play and learning.
    People and Customer Focused by providing high quality, accessible
    services that give value for money, respond to people’s need and meet
    their aspirations. Put greater emphasis on community engagement and
    tackle social exclusion.
    Haringey Core Strategy 2010 (proposed submission)
    SP8 – Employment
    “The Council will secure a strong economy in Haringey and protect the
    borough’s hierarchy of employment land. The Council will: …
    • Support local employment and regeneration aims;
    • Support environmental policies to minimise travel to work;
    • Support small and medium sized businesses that need employment
    land and space;”
    “5.1.26 Small and medium sized enterprises are important elements in
    the sub-regional economy and they need to be fully supported”
    “5.2.3 The Council is committed to providing new jobs and training
    wherever possible through the reuse of vacant sites and more intensive
    use of sites already in employment use.”
    “5.2.8 Despite under-representation in comparison to London, there has
    been an increase in the number of large companies with 200 or more
    employees in the borough. There are 53 known organisations within this
    sector in the borough, with the majority based in Tottenham. The Council
    is committed to encouraging small start-up units in new developments
    and supporting small and medium sized units on existing sites or in
    existing buildings. The Council will work with local business groups and
    partnerships., and recognise their role in supporting Haringey’s growth.”
    PAGE 119 of 137
    Distribution of retail across Haringey
    The Council will promote the distribution of retail growth to meet the
    required additional 13,800m2 gross comparison goods floorspace and
    an additional 10,194m2 net convenience goods floorspace by 2016. The
    majority of this additional retail growth will be met in Wood Green
    Metropolitan Centre and the five District Town Centres.
    Protecting and enhancing Haringey’s Town Centres
    The Council will promote and encourage development of retail, office,
    community, leisure, entertainment facilities, recreation uses, arts and
    cultural activities within its town centres according to the borough’s town
    centre hierarchy.
    The District Town Centres of Bruce Grove/ Tottenham High Road,
    Crouch End, Green Lanes, Muswell Hill and West Green Road/Seven
    Sisters will continue to be supported and strengthened as important
    shopping and service centres to meet people’s day-to-day needs. The
    Council will take a proactive partnership approach to reinvigorating these
    town centres, widening their role and offer, developing their identities,
    improving the public realm and accessibility to them.
    Haringey’s Local Shopping Centres will continue to be supported in
    providing core local shopping facilities and services (such as
    convenience store, post office, and newsagent) for their respective local
    communities, largely catering for a catchment area within walking
    SP11 - Design
    All new development should enhance and enrich Haringey’s built
    environment and create places and buildings that are high quality,
    attractive, sustainable, safe and easy to use. To achieve this all
    development shall:
  1. The development of the following cultural areas across the borough:
    • Tottenham Green;
    • Tottenham Hotspur;
    • Hornsey Town Hall;
    • Wood Green/Haringey Heartlands/Alexandra Palace; and
    • Harringay Green Lanes.
  2. Supporting the provision of new work spaces and cultural venues that
    support cultural businesses particularly in cultural areas;
  3. Protecting and enhancing, where feasible, existing cultural facilities
    throughout the borough.”
    “6.1.7 Layout, and design and construction of buildings have significant
    effect on a building’s environmental and energy performance. The
    construction and use of buildings currently accounts for around half of
    the carbon emissions in Haringey. The Council considers it is important
    that all new and redeveloped buildings are designed to have a beneficial
    impact on their environment.”
    “6.1.8 Key areas of focus are reducing energy demand and carbon
    emissions by improvements to the building fabric, the use of passive
    solar energy and natural light and ventilation, choosing materials with
    low embedded energy, and the utilisation of low carbon technologies.
    These measures should be considered alongside policies on climate
    change (SP4)6.1.14 The Council will encourage appropriate use of
    landscaping in the form of green roofs and brown roofs which have a
    number of environmental benefits, such as providing wildlife habitats, in
    helping to cool and insulate buildings and in retaining water and helping
    to reduce flooding, in addition to being visually attractive.”
    PAGE 121 of 137
    Haringey UDP 2009 (saved policies)
    “Any proposals for developments and alterations or extensions, which
    require planning permission or listed building consent, will be expected
    to be of high design quality. The spatial and visual character of the
    development site and the surrounding area/street scene should be taken
    into account in the design of schemes submitted for approval. The
    following, often inter-related, elements should be addressed in a positive
    a) urban grain and enclosure;
    b) building lines;
    c) form, rhythm and massing;
    d) layout;
    e) height and scale;
    f) landform, soft and hard landscape, trees and biodiversity;
    g) fenestration (i.e. window design together with the positioning, or
    arrangement of the window openings in the wall);
    h) architectural style, detailing and materials;
    i) historic heritage context, including listed buildings and their setting,
    locally listed buildings, conservation areas and archaeological areas
    (see the Conservation Chapter);
    j) living frontages and public realm;
    k) any identified local views;
    l) designing out crime and the fear of crime (including designing out
    graffiti, where feasible); and
    m) walkability; new housing, shops, public buildings and places of work
    need to be located and designed so that they can be reached easily on
    “Where appropriate, developments should include a mix of uses in order
    to ensure sustainable development, particularly where such
    developments are located in town centres, areas of high public transport
    accessibility and within major new developments.”
    “The Council will require that proposals affecting Conservation Areas:
    a) preserve or enhance the historic character and qualities of the
    buildings and/or the Conservation Area,
    b) recognise and respect the character and appearance of Conservation
    Areas; and
    c) protect the special interest of buildings of architectural or historic
    “The Council will require that alterations or extensions to buildings in
    Conservation Areas:
    a) preserve or enhance the character of the Conservation Area; and
    b) retain or reinstate characteristic features such as doors, windows or
    materials of buildings.”
    “Developments within the identified town and local shopping centres will
    be supported provided that the proposal:
    a) is appropriate to the scale, character and function of the centre;
    b) does not harm the vitality and viability of the centre or other centres;”
    PAGE 122 of 137
    “The preferred location for new facilities is in the Borough’s metropolitan
    and district town centres, the Cultural Quarter and Tottenham Green.
    Small-scale local facilities meeting a local need will be supported in local
    shopping centres.”
    Development Management DPD 2010 (consultation
    DMP25 Haringey’s Heritage - Conservation Areas
    The Council will require that alterations or extensions to buildings in
    Conservation Areas:
    a) preserve or enhance the character of the Conservation Area;
    b) retain or reinstate characteristic features such as doors, windows or
    materials and
    c) seek to protect buildings within Conservation Areas, by refusing
    applications for their demolition or substantial demolition if it would have
    an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation
    PAGE 123 of 137
    Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2010
    4.1: Lean - use good design to minimise energy needs
    “Before any mechanical systems are considered development should be
    made as energy efficient as possible by having good standards of
    insulation and maximising the use of sunlight, thermal mass and site
    microclimate to provide natural lighting, heating and cooling of buildings.
    Green roofs and walls and high ceilings and windows heights (for natural
    light and ventilation) are preferred”
    4.1: Clean - make the most use of energy efficient
    heating and cooling
    “If mechanical heating, cooling and ventilation are needed, this needs to
    be as efficient as possible. The priority is to use local (“decentralised”)
    energy sources, in particular combined heat and power (CHP) systems”
    Haringey 4020 Carbon Commission Report
    By investing in the transformation of the economy Haringey can help to
    provide the basis for the boroughs future prosperity. The purpose of the
    Commission was not to list a set of
    technical requirements to address carbon reduction but rather, to identify
    actions and approaches that address inequality and increase well-being.
    The set of recommendations detailed in the report aim to support
    systemic change across the borough, requiring social, technological and
    financial innovation.
    The Council needs to play a proactive role and support action in a
    number of ways including direct provision, working in partnership and
    fostering strong local relationships where people are supported to shape
    their own communities. A supportive national policy framework is
    required to fully realise the 40% CO2 reduction and associated
    economic and social benefits.
    Appendix 7 A summary of the recommendations
  4. Use major development activity in the borough such as the Football
    stadium and social housing renewal to provide visible examples of low
    carbon technology.
  5. Skills and training partnerships between private sector, local HE
    college CHENEL and community organisations.
  6. Haringey 40:20 network to encourage local groups and businesses
    to bring forward ideas supporting sustainable lifestyles for prototyping
    and piloting.
    PAGE 124 of 137
    The London Plan 2011
    Policy 2.15 – Town Centres
    “C. Development proposals in town centres should conform with policies
    4.7 and 4.8 and:
    a. sustain and enhance the vitality and viability of the centre
    b. accommodate economic and/or housing growth through intensification
    and selective expansion in appropriate locations
    c. support and enhance the competitiveness, quality and diversity of
    town centre retail, leisure, arts and cultural, other consumer services and
    public services
    d. be in scale with the centre
    e. promote access by public transport, walking and cycling
    f . promote safety, security and lifetime neighbourhoods
    g. contribute towards an enhanced environment, urban greening, public
    realm and links to green infrastructure
    h. reduce delivery, servicing and road user conflict.”
    Policy 3.1 – Ensuring equal life chances for all Planning
    “B. Development proposals should protect and enhance facilities and
    services that meet the needs of particular groups and communities.
    Proposals involving loss of these facilities without adequate justification
    or provision for replacement should be resisted.”
    Policy 4.7 – Retail and town centre development
    “B. In taking planning decisions on proposed retail and town centre
    development, the following principles should be applied:
    a. the scale of retail, commercial, culture and leisure development
    should be related to the size, role and function of a town centre and its
    b. retail, commercial, culture and leisure development should be focused
    on sites within town centres, or if no in-centre sites are available, on
    sites on the edges of centres that are, or can be, well integrated with the
    existing centre and public transport
    c. proposals for new, or extensions to existing, edge or out of centre
    development will be subject to an assessment of impact.”
    Policy 4.8 - Supporting a successful and diverse retail
    “B LDFs should take a proactive approach to planning for retailing and:
    c. provide a policy framework for maintaining, managing and enhancing
    local and neighbourhood shopping and facilities which provide local
    goods and services, and develop policies to prevent the loss of retail and
    related facilities that provide essential convenience and specialist
    d. identify areas under-served in local convenience shopping and
    services provision and support additional facilities at an appropriate
    scale in locations accessible by walking, cycling and public transport to
    serve existing or new residential communities
    e. support the range of London’s markets, including street, farmers’ and,
    where relevant, strategic markets, complementing other measures to
    improve their management, enhance their offer and contribute to the
    vitality of town centres”
    PAGE 125 of 137
    Policy 7.1 - Building London’s neighbourhoods and
    “D The design of new buildings and the spaces they create should help
    reinforce or enhance the character, legibility, permeability and
    accessibility of the neighbourhood.
    Policy 7.3 - Designing out crime
    “B Development should reduce the opportunities for criminal behaviour
    and contribute to a sense of security without being overbearing or
    intimidating. In particular:
    a routes and spaces should be legible and well maintained, providing for
    convenient movement without compromising security
    b there should be an indication of whether a space is private, semi-public
    or public, with natural surveillance of publicly accessible spaces
    c design should encourage a level of human activity that is appropriate
    to the location, incorporating a mix of uses where appropriate, to
    maximize activity throughout the day and night, creating a reduced risk
    of crime and a sense of safety at all times
    d places should be well designed to promote a sense of ownership and
    e places, buildings and structures should incorporate appropriately
    designed security features
    f schemes should be designed with on-going management and future
    maintenance costs of the particular safety and security measures
    proposed in mind.”
    Policy 7.4 - Local character
    “A Development should have regard to the form, function, and structure
    of an area, place or street and the scale, mass and orientation of
    surrounding buildings. It should improve an area’s visual or physical
    connection with natural features. In areas of poor or ill-defined character,
    development should build on the positive elements that can contribute to
    establishing an enhanced character for the future function of the area.
    B Buildings, streets and open spaces should provide a high quality
    design response that:
    a has regard to the pattern and grain of the existing spaces and streets
    in orientation, scale, proportion and mass
    b contributes to a positive relationship between the urban structure and
    natural landscape features, including the underlying landform and
    topography of an area
    c is human in scale, ensuring buildings create a positive relationship with
    street level activity and people feel comfortable with their surroundings
    d allows existing buildings and structures that make a positive
    contribution to the character of a place to influence the future character
    of the area
    e is informed by the surrounding historic environment.”
    Policy 7.6 - Architecture
    “B Buildings and structures should:
    c comprise details and materials that complement, not necessarily
    replicate, the local architectural character
    d not cause unacceptable harm to the amenity of surrounding land and
    buildings, particularlyresidential buildings, in relation to privacy,
    overshadowing, wind and microclimate. This is particularly important for
    tall buildings
    e incorporate best practice in resource management and climate change
    mitigation and adaptation
    f provide high quality indoor and outdoor spaces and integrate well with
    the surrounding streets and open spaces
    PAGE 126 of 137
    g be adaptable to different activities and land uses, particularly at ground
    Policy 7.8 - Heritage assets and archaeology
    “C Development should identify, value, conserve, restore, re-use and
    incorporate heritage assets, where appropriate.
    D Development affecting heritage assets and their settings should
    conserve their significance, by being sympathetic to their form, scale,
    materials and architectural detail.”
    Policy 7.9 - Heritage-led Regeneration
    “A Regeneration schemes should identify and make use of heritage
    assets and reinforce the qualities that make them significant so they can
    help stimulate environmental, economic and community regeneration.
    This includes buildings, landscape features, views, Blue Ribbon Network
    and public realm.
    B The significance of heritage assets should be assessed when
    development is proposed and schemes designed so that the heritage
    significance is recognised both in their own right and as catalysts for
    regeneration. Wherever possible heritage assets (including buildings at
    risk) should be repaired, restored and put to a suitable and viable use
    that is consistent with their conservation and the establishment and
    maintenance of sustainable communities and economic vitality.”
    PAGE 127 of 137
    Mayors Cultural Strategy 2004
    “5.98 These projects represent an important reinterpretation of London’s
    built heritage for a modern economic and cultural context, facilitating
    new life and vitality as well as preservation. Older buildings can be
    robust and adapt well to new uses; people are often attracted to the
    building itself as well as the new use. Older buildings and streets also
    provide texture and give identity to an area. As London’s diverse
    communities change and develop, there is an increasingneed to make
    London’s built heritage accessible to all by ensuring that new
    communities can make use of them.”
    Policy 9:
    “Cultural activity should be encouraged in the development and
    regeneration of London Proposals
    9.1 Support the development of cultural quarters and promote their role
    in London’s regeneration
    9.2 Promote the role of culture in neighbourhoods”
    Planning for Equality SPG 2007
    SPG Implementation Point 3o: Supporting local
    employment centres
    “Boroughs are asked to support local hubs of employment. Proposals
    that combine social services provision, health and social care provision
    and childcare can provide employment opportunities for many people
    who are disadvantaged in the labour market. Developments should seek
    to provide a range of services fully accessible by public transport,
    reducing car dependency in line with London Plan policies 2A.5 Town
    Centres, 3B.1Developing London’s Economy and 3D.1 Supporting Town
    SPG Implementation Point 4.5b: Supporting food
    markets and retailing
    “Boroughs are advised to identify the needs of local communities and
    where appropriate to encourage the provision of and access to faith
    based food markets and retailing, perhaps through local strategic
    Implementation Point 2d: Identifying the issues in
    Community Involvement
    “Boroughs, developers and their agents are asked to consult with, and
    engage, local communities including people from the target groups
    covered in this SPG throughout the plan making process and in
    PAGE 128 of 137
    Implementation Point 3b: Promoting ethnic diversity and
    “Boroughs are asked to consider measures that respect and enhance
    areas which benefit from a distinct minority ethnic character.”
    Implementation Point 3d: Promoting community cohesion
    “Boroughs are asked to give special consideration to those planning
    measures that improve community cohesion.”
    Implementation Point 3h: Creating safe and inclusive
    urban environments
    “Ensuring that wherever possible urban environments are overlooked
    and well-used, with direct routes, safe street scaping and good lighting
    will help all people, but especially the more vulnerable, to feel more
    confident in the urban environment and will work well alongside other
    public policy measures to reduce discrimination.”
    PAGE 129 of 137
    PAGE 130 of 137
    Appendix 2: Consultation Document
    PAGE 131 of 137
    PAGE 132 of 137
    Consultation Statement
    This document details the public engagement and consultation carried
    out by the Wards Corner Community Coalition (WCC) between 2007 and
  7. The WCC has been actively engaged in the regeneration of Wards
    Corner during this time and as a result has gained a broad
    understanding of the aspirations of the community who use the site, and
    the local residents in Seven Sisters.
    Our Ethos
    The WCC believe in a community-led led approach to regeneration,
    taking inspiration and guidance from the people who live on, work in and
    use the space. The WCC are acutely aware of the inaccessibility of
    planning to most people and as a result pay great care to ensuring the
    use of a broad range of techniques for gathering information, enabling
    people to give their aspirations for the site in the way they feel most
    The WCC mainly operates on consensus and avoids, where possible,
    delegating decisions to experts. However, the WCC actively encourages
    collaboration between experts and local people, empowering and
    enabling untrained people to give input at all stages of the development
    History of Public Engagement
    Since 2007 the WCC has maintained a visible public presence in
    Tottenham, working to insight debate and encourage discussion about
    Wards Corner, looking at all issues that affect the site. This engagement
    has afforded the WCC an understanding of a wide ranges of views about
    Wards Corner and forms a vital part of the basis for this application.
    These activities are detailed below.
    Figure 90 WCC Talking to passers by outside the site
    The WCC often runs a stall at big local events. The stall has displays
    with text, photos and drawings about Wards Corner and is staffed by
    residents and traders who are on hand to discuss the site and give out
    leaflets with more detailed information. A presence at these events
    meant that the WCC had the opportunity to engage with a hugely diverse
    range of people from across the borough. Below is a list of many but not
    all of the main events the WCC attended:


Art Gallery



Grainger PLC 21st July 2017
UK State 20th July 2017
Transport for London 21st July 2017
MAM/Quarterbridge 21st July 2017

Responses to UN communication

Grainger PLC 18th Aug 2017
Grainger PLC 3rd Nov 2017
Grainger PLC 28th Nov 2017
UK State 4th October 2017
Transport for London 25th September 2017


Save Latin Village & Wards Corner
Unit 3 El Cafetal
Seven Sisters Indoor Market
231-241 High Road
London N15 5BT